Down Loadpage 6 to Second Edition of Art Talk

Double Bound Economies
Reading an East German Photo Annal, 1967-1990
HALLE xiv: Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig
May 6th - July 1st 2012
Opening: May fifth 2012, 4pm

Reinhard Mende: 04439_05 Vertreterempfang in Falstaff Rundgang Government minister Mozambique sixteen.03.1978
(c) Reinhard Mende / PRODUZIEREN 2012

09e Recontres Europeennes du Moyen Metrage de Brive
April 10th - 15th 2012
Alpi in Competition Europeenne

world wide

Centre Pompidou - Festival Hors Pistes
Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature
Alpi screening
Feb 3th, 7pm
talk with Bruno Latour and Armin Linke
afterward the screening

festival programm and Eye Pompidou website

new book release


Armin Linke & Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss:
Socialist Architecture: The Vanishing Deed
Texts by Tobia Bezzola, Philipp Ursprung,
Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss
English / High german Edition, January 2012
JRP-Ringier, ISBN: 978-3-03764-245-0

Viennale - International Moving-picture show Festival Vienna
October 20th - November second 2011
at Kuenstlerhauskino 1, Akademiestrasse xiii, Vienna, Austria
1st screening November 1st, 2011 4pm
2nd screening Nov 2nd, 2011, 1.30pm

le peuple qui manque presents:
Geography is used, start, to make state of war
at Cinema des Cineastes, Paris
September 20th, 2011 - December 10th 2011


Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art
Rewriting Worlds
September 23th - October 30th 2011

Moscow Biennale


Peter Weibel has invited the following artists to exhibit in the master project: Kader Attia, Chen Chieh-jen, EVOL, Claire Fontaine, Susan Hiller, Rebecca Horn, Manabu Ikeda, Shilpa Gupta, Armin Linke,

Fabian Marcaccio, Neo Rauch, Rosangela Renno, Timo Toots, Ai Weiwei, Guido Van der Werve, and many others.

Carlo Mollino
Maniera Moderna

Haus der Kunst, München
September 16th - January 8th 2012
Opening: Thursday, September 15th 2011, 7pm

Picket Panel Discussion
visit haus der kunst website


Fri, September 16th, 7pm
panel discussion with Fulvio and Napoleone Farrari, Wilfried Kuehn and Armin Linke.
moderation: Chris Dercon

The exhibition is organised past Haus der Kunst in cooperation with Wilfried Kuehn (curator and architect, Berlin) and Armin Linke (artist and curator, Berlin)

in collaboration with Museo Casa Mollino, Torino Sistema Bibliotecario del Politecnico di Torino, Biblioteca Centrale di Architettura, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe

Visual Arts Department Visiting Artist
Lecture Serial Presents:
Armin Linke

UC San Diego, Visual Arts Facility Performance Space
9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, California 92093
Thursday, June ninth 2011, 6.30pm

Festival 3Days of Dimensions
Time to come Archaelogy & Nuclear Voyage
screening May 27th 2011
ZKM, Karlsruhe
Medientheater, 4.30pm

nuclear voyage

59. Trento Pic Festival 2011
April 28th - May 8th
official screening Maz 1st 2011, 8pm at Cinema Modena/SALA 3
second screening Maz second 2011, 3:30pm at Cinema Modena/SALA iii


VISIONS DU REEL - Festival international de cinema
April 7th - 13th 2011, Nyon (CH)
official screening April 8th, 6pm at Salle Communale
second screening April 9th, 4pm at Capitole two


Armin Linke - ALPI, 60min


Paradise Lost
March 25th 2011 - July 24th 2011
Istanbul Museum Of Modernistic Fine art


What is to be done ? Fine art, film, politics
11th to the 19th December 2010
Centre Pompidou

the French curatorial construction le peuple qui manque presents Que faire ? Fine art, Moving picture, politique - What is to be washed? Art, Film, Politics. During these days, this event want to get a ready about the new disquisitional strategies and current

reconfigurations of the bonds between Art & Politics in contemporary Art and more specifically in artists films and videos. The issue consists of videos screenings - and of a critical symposium with artists and thinkers

Il Corpo dello Stato
opening and book presentation

21 oct 2010 18:30h
MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXi secolo
via Guido Reni 4A
00196 Roma

website MAXXI

il corpo dello stato at maxxi

over de trouweloosheid van de wereld
Harun Farocki, Armin Linke,
Els Vanden Meersch, Jean Bernard Koeman,
Alfredo Jaar
16.09.2010 - 24.ten.2010
lokaal 01, Breda, NL

over de trouweloosheid van de wereld

new book release
Armin Linke: The Body of the State


At the end of 2006, Italian photographer Armin Linke was commissioned by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities to realize a reportage. For this commission, the artist proposed a photographic mapping of all the institutions housed in various historical buildings in Rome. His research attempted to bear out both a documentation of and an inquiry into the characteristics of public institutions. The result is a portrait of the Italian State through the understanding

of the architectures in which functions and ceremonies are performed daily. Including excerpts from Giorgio Agamben′s contempo book "Il Regno eastward la Gloria", the publication invites a disquisitional reading of the representation of ability, while displaying very rarely seen interiors and details of the authorities′s settings in an objective fashion typical of Linke′s images.

67th Venice International Moving picture Festival
Orizzonti-The new trends in world cinema
1-xi September 2010
Future Archaeology
official screening 09. September, 17:15h at SALA PERLA


Armin Linke, Francesco Mattuzzi - Future Archeology, Italy/Frg, 20min (documentary, in cooperation with decolonizing compages, a project by Sandi Hilal, Alessandro Petti, Eyal Weizman)


Wenn die Welt leise untergeht
Interview: Max Dax und Anne Waak
spex30 09/ten


Der italienische Fotograf Armin Linke ist ein Weltreisender auf der Suche nach den Wunden und Narben, die der Mensch seinem Heimatplaneten zufügt. In seinem neusten Bildband «Il corpo dello Stato» (dt.: «Der Körper des Staates») zeigt er dice Schauplätze römischer und katholischer Politik und blickt in die Schaltzentralen des Machtapparats.

Gleichzeitig offenbaren Linkes Fotografien mit einer Faszination für das Überdimensionale aber auch eine unheimliche Schönheit. Keine Frage: Linke ist einer der wichtigsten Fotochronisten unserer Zeit.

download spex article

Armin Linke / Peter Hanappe
Phenotypes limited Forms
Museum Stift Admont


Phenotypes/Limited Forms enables visitors to make apply of Linke′s online archive of photographs. This includes images of locations in Nigeria, China and Cyprus, of the G height in Genoa, a NASA base in California and of the documenta exhibition. Phenotypes/Express Forms eschews the usual "Delight do not touch on" approach of the museum and the authoritative opinion adopted by artist and curator when they stipulate that an artwork

is the completed and conclusive grade in which it is to be presented. Because the company can make their ain personal selection from the archive, they get, as it were, a temporary "curator". Linke does not permit visitors to but react to his work, but encourages these to actively and consciously make their own decisions.

Armin Linke
Eröffnung: 26.02.2010 / 19 UHR
27.02.-16.05.2010, Heidelberger Kunstverein


Weil keine eindeutigen und tradierten bildlichen Metaphern zu erkennen sind, entziehen sich die Aufnahmen einer einfachen Kategorisierung durch eine sprachliche Deutung. Der Fotograf sucht explizit nach dem visuellen Wissen, das im kollektiven visuellen Gedächtnis (noch) nicht mit sprachlichen Klischees verbunden ist. Dice Ausstellung im Heidelberger Kunstverein gewährt nun zum ersten Mal in dieser Größe Einblick in Linkes Archiv.

Neben den ausgestellten Abzügen bietet sie dice Möglichkeit, das Gesamtarchiv in digitaler Version zu durchstöbern. Mit einer neuen Software lassen sich einzelne Archivbilder auswählen und zu einem individuell edierten Buch zusammenstellen, welches auf Bestellung gedruckt und an den jeweiligen "Redakteur" versandt wird.

Heidelberger Kunstverein

Armin Linke: Green Line - UN-Porträts
22. Januar bis x. April 2010, Innsbruck


Für seine Arbeit über die Green Line auf Zypern greift Linke auf die umfangreiche Sammlung fotografischer Dokumente des Un-Archivs zurück. Anstatt selbst unter schwierigsten Bedingungen weitere Bilder zu produzieren - das Fotografieren der Zone entlang der Light-green Line ist strengstens verboten - bedient er sich des, zum Großteil von Soldaten der Stabstelle für Kommunikation aufgenommenen Materials aus dem "Inneren des Systems". Das Verschwimmen der Grenze zwischen Fiktion und Realität, das Linke in seinen eigenen Arbeiten immer wieder aufzeigt, stellte er auch bei der Sichtung dieses Materials fest, wo oft unklar ist, ob die Bilder "reale" Situationen abbilden oder Übungen von Ernstfällen, ob sie extra für das Foto arrangiert wurden oder zu reinen Dokumentationszwecken aufgenommen wurden.

Der Idee des Archivs als konzeptionellem Rahmen folgend selektiert und kategorisiert er diese Aufnahmen nach typologischen und dramaturgischen Kriterien und lenkt then den Blick des Betrachters auf Analogien und Details der Landschaft wie auch auf die Art und Intention der Aufnahmen selbst. In sechs, für die Ausstellung im aut zusammengestellten Fotobüchern zeigt er etwa eine endlose Serie von weiß gestrichenen UN-Beobachtungstürmen oder Luftaufnahmen von Kontrollposten, die willkürlich dice Landschaft zerschneiden. Durch dice Sortierung und Zusammenstellung wandelt sich das ursprünglich rein dokumentarische Archiv in ein schonungsloses Dokument, das ein gleichzeitig poetisches wie verstörendes Bild dieser letzten Mauer Europas entstehen lässt.
Webseite aut

Future Archaeologies
Opening Friday 08. January 2010 eighteen:00-21:00h
Potsdamer Strasse 93, 10785 Berlin


Extra City___Kunsthal Antwerpen
On films past Danièle Huillet & Jean-Marie Straub
Exhibition and Ciné-Club
13 Nov - twenty December 2009
Opening Thursday 12 Nov at 19:00
Tulpstraat 79, Exist-2060 Antwerp


The 'Straubs', every bit Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub are often chosen, are among the nearly outstanding, and yet widely unknown contemporary filmmakers in the history of movie house. Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet worked together for over xl years until Danièle Huillet′s death in Oct 2006. Since the early on 1960s their radical approach towards filmmaking allowed them to create almost 30 very various films; they treated and transformed literature past Kafka, Pavese and Hölderlin, as well equally the paintings of Cézanne, cantatas by Bach and operas by Schönberg.

Contributors: Chantal Akerman, Pietro Bianchi, Manon de Boer, Robert Bramkamp, Vanessa Brito, Giulio Bursi, Rinaldo Censi,  Merel Cladder, Anna Fiacciarini, Jack Henrie Fisher, Peter Friedl, Kim de Groot,  Romano Guelfi, Tim Liebe, Armin Linke, Laura Malacart, Sally Shafto, Ines Schaber,  Eyal Sivan, Benoît Turquety, Barbara Ulrich, Klaus Volkmer, Susanne Weiric

curated by: Annett Busch, Florian Schneider

Functioning at Romaeuropa Festival 2009
24 november 2009 h 20.30
Goethe Institute Rome
Via Savoia,fifteen


an interdisciplinary collaboration between HfG Karlsruhe University of Arts and Blueprint and Starflag project, Center for Statistical Mechanics and Complexity (SMC) of CNR-INFM Rome

Ulrike Barwanietz, Maša Bušic, Irene Giardina, Herwig Hoffmann, Johanna Hoth, Giuseppe Ielasi, Samuel Korn, Armin Linke, Renato Rinaldi, Marc Teuscher

Phenotypes / Limited Forms
concrete & samples
28 May—20 September, 2009
Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen


Installation View, YOU_ser 2.0, ZKM Karlsruhe, 2008
28 Bienal de São Paulo, 2008
(in collaboration with Peter Hanappe)

How can curatorial choice processes be presented as part of an artistic work in museum contexts? How can interactive net applications be transferred to physical infinite? Where does it atomic number 82 when authorship is extended to the visitor? The installation Phenotypes / Limited Forms, was presented from October, 2007 – January, 2009, in the exhibition "YOU_ser: The Century of the Consumer" at the Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnolgie (ZKM) Karlsruhe.

Exploring the meaning of the individual image within a film archive, illustrating the weather of its production and utilize. Relocating Armin Linke′s photo annal into the museum space, the installation takes the creative person′s studio state of affairs and proposes a serviceable experimental organization: the visitor can view a g images, select works, group them, present a selection on the wall, print their selection equally a unique edition, the title assigned is so projected in the exhibition space.

These actions of individuals become the ground from which later visitors are received. The installation builds on the concept of a virtual volume on demand accessible through The projection is the formed through the cooperation betwixt Armin Linke, Peter Hanappe (Sony Informatics Laboratory, Paris), Alex Rich (London), Peter Weibel (ZKM), and the programme in exhibition design and curatorial practice at the Hochschule für Gestaltung. The resulting collective process of selection from Linke′s photo archive confirms that Phenotypes / Limited Forms is non a finished object for presentation but rather a space for production.

Doreen Mende, Karlsruhe, 2009

DISPLAYER Interview with Armin Linke and Peter Hanappe
Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen

#08 Mapping the imaginary

August 05, 2009 / 9PM


Cairo, 2006, C-Print, 150 x 200 cm

Effect #08 of SCREENING IN GENERAL shows a montage of photographic sequences

and film extracts by the Berlin based Italian artist Armin Linke.

Desert Islands
xx.05. — 19.06.2009
Villa Romana, Florence


Deserted Islands of the Mediterranean
A Projection by Amedeo Martegani,
Armin Linke, Giovanna Silva,
Giuseppe Ielasi, Renato Rinaldi,
Giulia Di Lenarda

A research which tells near spaces, sounds and reasons of the deserted islands of the Mediterranean, using photography, drawings, digital audio and video.More 200 deserted islands have been counted.

At Villa Romana, for the first fourth dimension, there will be presented the materials, which have been collected during the kickoff ii travels to the Dodecanese and to the Ionian Body of water.

PDF ital.
PDF deutsch

The History of At present
Kurt Westward Forster on Armin Linke in TATE ETC.


Armin Linke
Three Gorges Dam, Yichang (Hupeh) China 1998
Ghazi Barotha hydroelectric scheme, workers
praying Hattian, Islamic republic of pakistan 1999
Star City ZPK, Moscow, Russia 1998
Polar Cap, Artic North Pole 2001
C–blazon print 150 x 200 cm
Giovanni Segantini
Decease (from the Alpen Triptych 1898 – 1899)
Courtesy Segantini Musem, St Moritz
Oil on canvas 190 10 322 cm
Pic stills from Armin Linke'due south
video installation "Alpi Film Project" (2008)
Courtesy the creative person © Armin Linke,
Renato Rinaldi, Piero Zanini

If one wishes to practice more than catch a glimpse of this peripatetic lensman, i needs to travel with him. He packs his bags whenever something grabs his attention. At beginning this has zero to practice with the photographic camera, but everything to do with his eye and a disarming intelligence. Linke quietly scrutinises his chosen location,

selecting a view that is of a scope and depth to warrant taking a picture. I day in Iraq, earlier the final war, he did but that, some altitude from one of Saddam Hussein′s palaces on a slope of cobblestone and sand. While he gear up up his photographic camera, a grouping of men uniformly dressed in black walked into his view.

read the whole article


Armin Linke
Built-in in Milan, 1966
Lives and works in Berlin



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